Types of mutations
Depending on the level at which the mutation occurs, it can be:
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Biology 2nd Baccalaureate 11.2. Types of mutationsTypes of mutationsDepending on the level at which the mutation occurs, it can be: Mind map: Types of mutations. Questions that have come out in University entrance exams (Selectividad, EBAU, EvAU)Aragon. September 2018, option A, question 4. September 2014, option B, question 1. Mutations (2.5 points) b) Classification. (0.75 points) Aragon. September 2015, option B, question 4. Mutations (2 points) a) Briefly explain the concept of mutations and indicate the types that can occur according to the cells affected and the extension. (1.5 points) Aragon. September 2011, option A. 1. Short development topic: mutations, types of mutations, and their biological significance (examples are valued). (3 points) Aragon. September 2008, option B. Issue 3. (2 points). September 2006, option B. Issue 3 Answer the following questions: b) What kind of mutations do you know? Define them and establish an example of each one of them. (1 point) Aragon . September 2007, option B. Issue 2.- (1 point): Differentiate between point mutation, chromosomal mutation, and genomic mutation (examples will be valued). Aragon. September 2005, option A. Issue 2.- Answer the following questions precisely and briefly (2 marks): a) Define what a mutation is; b) Would it have been better if DNA were totally immutable? (Reason the answer); c) What types of mutations do you know?; d) If a base is inserted into the sequence of a gene, what repercussions can it have? Madrid, July 2019, option B, question 6 a) Describe the concepts of gene, chromosomal and genomic mutation. b) Explain what negative and positive aspects mutations can have for a species. Canary Islands, July 2020, option B, question 8 Mutations are sometimes beneficial because they create variability, but other times they have serious or even fatal consequences. a.- Define what are gene mutations. Canary Islands, June 2021, question 15 15. A person is a collection of approximately 30 trillion cells. Each time one of them divides to generate a daughter, the entire genome must be copied; in that process, totally random copy errors called mutations can be made. a. Difference between gene and genomic mutation. Aragon, July 2021, question 5 During the last year, we have heard repeatedly in different media that different variants of a virus can appear because it mutates. We know that this is not unique to viruses and that a eukaryotic cell can also undergo mutations. Answer the following questions: (2 marks) a) What is a gene or point mutation? Briefly explain the types of gene mutation and the possible repercussions of these. (0.8 p) Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License 4.0 |
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