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Biology 2nd Baccalaureate

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2. Glucides

PAU contents

Polyalcohol with a carbonyl group. Number of carbon atoms. Carbonyl carbon position. Linear shape.

Link types: alpha and beta.

Comparison in composition, structure and function of starch, glycogen and cellulose.

Recognize the following molecules: glucose, fructose, ribose, deoxyribose (cyclized forms). Identify a molecule as a disaccharide or as a polysaccharide.

Criteria and learning standards

Crit.BI.1.3. Recognize the different types of macromolecules that make up living matter and relate them to their respective biological functions in the cell. FCTC-CIEE-CAA

Est.BI.1.3.1. It recognizes and classifies the different types of organic biomolecules, relating their chemical composition with their structure and function.

Est.BI.1.3.2. Designs and carries out experiments identifying the presence of different organic molecules in biological samples.

Crit.BI.1.4. Identify the types of monomers that make up biological macromolecules and the bonds that join them. FCTC

Est.BI.1.4.1. Identifies and distinguishes monomers chemical bonds that allow the synthesis of macromolecules: O-glycosidic bondsester bondpeptide bondnucleoside O-link.

Crit.BI 1.5. Determine the chemical composition and describe the function, location and examples of the main organic biomolecules. FCTC-CCL

Est.BI.1.5.1. Describes the composition and function of the main organic biomolecules.

BOE Access to the University. Block I. The molecular and physicochemical basis of life


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Biology and Geology teaching materials for Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and Baccalaureate students.