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6.4.2. Eukaryotic cell

Eukaryotic cell

The eukaryotic cell is characterized by having the genetic material (DNA) surrounded by a nuclear membrane. There are unicellular organisms made up of a single eukaryotic cell and others, such as plants, animals, fungi, algae, etc., that are multicellular and are made up of many eukaryotic cells.

Eukaryotic cells have the following structure:

  • The plasma membrane. The cell is surrounded by a thin shell that regulates the entry and exit of substances, protects the cell, and where structures that allow cell movement can be found, such as cilia and flagella.
  • The cytoplasm. It is the internal space of the cell in which are all the substances necessary for the life of the cell. In the cytoplasm are the different cellular organelles that perform different functions.
  • The Core. Membrane that surrounds the genetic material, whose DNA is organized in structures called chromosomes.

Eukaryotic cells have organelles that assist in cell function. For example:

  • Mitochondria, responsible for obtaining energy.
  • Ribosomes, which synthesize proteins.
  • Chloroplasts, which carry out photosynthesis in plant cells.
  • Lysosomes, which break down substances transforming them into simpler ones usable by cells.

There are two types of eukaryotic cells:

Plant eukaryotic cells

Plant eukaryotic cells are those that form plants and algae. They have the general characteristics of eukaryotic cells, that is, they have a nucleusmitochondriaribosomesendoplasmic reticulumGolgi apparatus,... but they have some differences with animal eukaryotic cells:

  • Have chloroplasts to perform photosynthesis and make organic matter from inorganic matter.
  • They have large vacuoles to store water or other substances.
  • They have a  cell wall on the outside of the plasma membrane that protects the cell and gives it shape.
  • They do not have centrioles (exclusive organelles of animal cells).
Célula eucariota vegetal
By LadyofHats. translated by Penarc [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Interactive activity: Recognition of the parts of a plant cell.
Interactive Activity: Parts of the Cell.

Animal eukaryotic cells

Animal eukaryotic cells are cells that have the general characteristics of eukaryotic cells, that is, they have a nucleusmitochondriaribosomesendoplasmic reticulumGolgi apparatus, ... but they differ in that they have centrioles, organelles that are involved in cell division and in the formation of cilia and flagella.

Célula eucariota animal
By Alejandro Porto [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Interactive activity: Recognition of the parts of an animal cell.

Interactive Activity: Challenge yourself with this cell quiz.

Crossword: The cell.

Game: CellCraft.

Game: Cell explorer: the animal cell.

Interactive activity: The virtual cell.

Differences between prokaryotic cells and animal and plant eukaryotic cells

Complete the table pointing out the differences between prokaryotic cells and animal and plant eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic animal cell pPnt eukaryotic cell
Plasma membrane
ADN (material genético)
Pared celular
Retículo endoplasmático

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Cell specialization

All the cells of a multicellular organism have the same DNA, but they can have very different shapes. They have specialized in different functions to allow living beings to nourish themselves, interact and reproduce. Some cells have even lost the ability to reproduce, such as neurons or red blood cells, to specialize in their function.

Cellular specialization has some advantages:

  • Division of labor. Each type of cell is specialized to perform a certain function, so the multicellular being can perform several functions at the same time.
  • Greater efficiency at work. Cellular specialization makes cells very efficient at the task they perform.
  • Cell renewal. Cells die and need to be renewed by new cells to carry out their function. The organism remains the same, although its cells change.